Moving to a different type of software (if it wasn't soft, what sort of ice cream would it be?)
Back in last millennium, the idea was already there; what was not there was the location: Ireland did not seem to be the perfect place for an ice cream shop :-)
Moving to Madrid in September 2003 brought us loads of surprises: Spain reveled itself as a very organized and dynamic country, efficient and yet Mediterranean, full of life and joy of living. Entrepreneur spirit is encouraged in Spain, free training and help in found rasing is made available by each Spanish local government.
Funny enough, in spite of mild climate and outgoing attitude of Spaniards, not many good quality ice cream shop could be found around.
Combining these discoveries with the will of starting a new life (after over twenty years of software, how about a change?) brought Andrea into:
attending a business course that helped him preparing his business plan (approved by Comunidad de Madrid as a viable business plan),
talking Cristiana into this new 'adventure'
attending a 4 week intensive ice cream making course in Perugia, Italy given by ' I Maestri della Gelateria Italiana'
The fact is, being Andrea an engineer, even ice cream making had to be faced in the most possible professional way : no 'ice cream maker in three days' course and relevant dependence from third party ice cream 'magic' preparations; ice cream had to be made from natural and simple ingredients such as milk, cream, sugars, fruit, etc.
It turned out that taking this course was a very good idea: Andrea had the opportunity to meet the Italian ice cream makers elite, including world famous ice cream guru Donata Panciera.
In May 2008 Andrea had the opportunity of spending 10 days with Paolo Betelli and Stefano Mencarelli, in the spectacular town of Gubbio, working in their production lab, making ice cream, iced cakes, decorations etcetera. Paolo's and Stefano's patience and expertise made this experience a real must have for a future ice cream
The bet is therefore on quality and uniqueness of recipes, rather than on cheap ingredients and 'globalization' of taste.
This allows adapting to customers' taste, as well as taking advantage to the most of local ingredients.
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