As anticipated, we received the third proposal for the shop.
Unfortunately it does not meet our requirements: production lab is far too small for allowing an ice cream production that can achieve the highest quality standards.
(A small parenthesis on how ice cream can be made can be beneficial at this point:
Traditionally, ice cream mixture is pasteurized to guarantee bacterial level is kept to a minimum without altering natural properties of milk and cream.
Then, it is preserved to 4C for at least 4 hours, to allow ice cream mixture maturating, reaching this way the perfect structure and emulsion.
Only then, ice cream mixture is placed in ice cream making machine.
Unfortunately nowadays, with the aim of saving time and space, many ice cream shops use an ‘all-in-one’ machine, able to warm up the ice cream mixture to 85C in its upper part and process it immediately to produce ice cream.
All of the above of course at the expenses of ice cream final texture and body, not as the ones that can be achieved with a proper process.
As it can be seen from the map, ice cream production lab is far too small to fit all the different machines needed (more in a following post)