Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Men at work!

'Las Obras' (refurbishment works) have begun!

Production room floor has been removed, to be replaced by a waterproof one, sporting a sinkhole.

This will allow perfect cleaning and hygiene after ice cream production.


Walls are being tiled up to the ceiling, again to guarantee hygiene and easy cleaning


A couple of pipes cross the entire shop floor to allow reusing water used to cool down the machines and ice cream counter:
  • first pipe receives hot water from machines and counters;
  • Water is cooled by a water chiller
  • Chiller sends back cooled water to machines and counter via second water pipe.


    In short: It's really thrilling to see how our project is progressing, even though there's still loads to do


    Talk to you soon :-)
  • 1 comment:

    Camona said...

    Jees guys, it´s really impressive to see work advacing fast!!! Congratulations!