Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We'll never be thankful enough to Fernando TrĂ­as de Bes and his book 'El Libro Negro del Emprendedor' for he helped us in 'seeing the light' before it was too late :-)

in short: crisis=>less money from bank=>refocus=>new shop for rent


  • Nice location

    • not to far from the sea, the main Marbella's artery, and just in the middle of restaurant, fast food and bar area.

  • Little refurbishment needed

  • Greater client potentiality

  • Earlier opening date

  • No money invested in shop purchase

  • last, but not least, shorter time to profitability

It's our belief anything can be taken advantage of, even crisis,
if looked from the right angle :-):

  1. Renting: crisis can offer many location at a cheaper rent

  2. sweet food consumption: in crisis period, it is proven fact
    that people increase sweet food consumption

  3. dealing with suppliers: much better deals can be signed with
    suppliers eager for customers.