Friday, December 26, 2008

Third Proposal

As anticipated, we received the third proposal for the shop.


Unfortunately it does not meet our requirements: production lab is far too small for allowing an ice cream production that can achieve the highest quality standards.

(A small parenthesis on how ice cream can be made can be beneficial at this point:

Traditionally, ice cream mixture is pasteurized to guarantee bacterial level is kept to a minimum without altering natural properties of milk and cream.

Then, it is preserved to 4C for at least 4 hours, to allow ice cream mixture maturating, reaching this way the perfect structure and emulsion.


Only then, ice cream mixture is placed in ice cream making machine.


Unfortunately nowadays, with the aim of saving time and space, many ice cream shops use an ‘all-in-one’ machine, able to warm up the ice cream mixture to 85C in its upper part and process it immediately to produce ice cream.


All of the above of course at the expenses of ice cream final texture and body, not as the ones that can be achieved with a proper process.

As it can be seen from the map, ice cream production lab is far too small to fit all the different machines needed (more in a following post)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Z shop: second proposal

Yesterday we received the second iteration on shop layout project.

We are quite happy as our comments were almost in full taken into account.

Now the counter is much more usable: no wall barrier between counter and the street, and cup preparation does not require anymore turning the back to the customers as before.

We still believe some improvements can be made on bathroom layout and lab equipment positioning, but we fell we are on the right path.

By Monday hopefully we should get another proposal from a different company, and perhaps a third one. We'll see who can come up with best ideas for our future customers.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cool innovations in the ice cream world!

How could an eclectic lady and an IT chap face anything without innovating?

According to Merriam-Webster innovation means:

1 : the introduction of something new

2 : a new idea, method, or device

This is precisely what at frescaPassione are we aiming, introducing new concepts and technologies in ice cream world

frescaPassione innovates in the following directions:


Calories/KJ, fat and sugars calculation
  • Based on chosen flavors and size,

  • from web portal or using in-shop multimedia unit

Web portal:
  • On line menus

  • Customer registration (to receive news letters and special offers)

  • Wiki (online encyclopedia) on new flavors introduced and on ice cream world

  • Special request online ordering (for restaurants and catering)

This blog :-)


  • Automated handling of warehouse, reordering and production

  • Statistic data generation on customers preferences and tendencies

  • cliente

  • ‘What’s going on in the production lab’?

  • News, information and documentaries on ice cream world

Environmental innovation:

Substantial saving in water consumption
  • Using water economizers (closed circuit only for water used by the machines)

Minimization of goods delivery environmental cost
  • By using as much as possible local products

Customer relationships:

On display ice cream production laboratory
  • See for yourself how ice cream and desserts are made using natural ingredients

Ice cream recipes:

  • Based on customers’ feedback and taste

  • Specially formulated for customers with special needs

  • Calculated with the help of specialized software to reach perfect body and texture

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Z shop: how will it look like?

Today we received the first proposal from an Italian company specialized in ice cream shops.

imageWe feel quite excited as the drawing looks good: the ice cream display is quite visible even from the street, a few tables allow people enjoying their ice cream cups while having a casual glance at the production lab on display.

Now its time for taking a closer look to the sketch, providing our feedback and waiting for more proposals to come.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The prehistory of frescaPassione


Moving to a different type of software (if it wasn't soft, what sort of ice cream would it be?)


Back in last millennium, the idea was already there; what was not there was the location: Ireland did not seem to be the perfect place for an ice cream shop :-)

Moving to Madrid in September 2003 brought us loads of surprises: Spain reveled itself as a very organized and dynamic country, efficient and yet Mediterranean, full of life and joy of living. Entrepreneur spirit is encouraged in Spain, free training and help in found rasing is made available by each Spanish local government.

Funny enough, in spite of mild climate and outgoing attitude of Spaniards, not many good quality ice cream shop could be found around.

Combining these discoveries with the will of starting a new life (after over twenty years of software, how about a change?) brought Andrea into:

  • attending a business course that helped him preparing his business plan (approved by Comunidad de Madrid as a viable business plan),

    talking Cristiana into this new 'adventure'

    attending a 4 week intensive ice cream making course in Perugia, Italy given by ' I Maestri della Gelateria Italiana'

  • DSC01144

The fact is, being Andrea an engineer, even ice cream making had to be faced in the most possible professional way : no 'ice cream maker in three days' course and relevant dependence from third party ice cream 'magic' preparations; ice cream had to be made from natural and simple ingredients such as milk, cream, sugars, fruit, etc.

It turned out that taking this course was a very good idea: Andrea had the opportunity to meet the Italian ice cream makers elite, including world famous ice cream guru Donata Panciera.


In May 2008 Andrea had the opportunity of spending 10 days with Paolo Betelli and Stefano Mencarelli, in the spectacular town of Gubbio, DSC01371 working in their production lab, making ice cream, iced cakes, decorations etcetera. Paolo's and Stefano's patience and expertise made this experience a real must have for a future ice cream


The bet is therefore on quality and uniqueness of recipes, rather than on cheap ingredients and 'globalization' of taste.

This allows adapting to customers' taste, as well as taking advantage to the most of local ingredients.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Our first fair

MIG at Longarone (BL) Italy from 30.12.08 to 01.12.08


Longarone is a small valley town in the province of Belluno in the Veneto region in North-East Italy. Sitting at 468m, the town is positioned at the mouth of the Zoldo valley. The first Gelato Fair was held in Dec.1959.

Here we found the machines for our laboratory. The brand is Cattabriga, the inventors of first automatic ice cream machine mimicking man's movements, like to say the Lamborghini of ice cream makers. And we actually reserved the top model recently announced to the market.


image image

Ice cream maker                Pasteurizer

first steps


On the 17.11.08 we signed the contract. In Calle de los Caballeros, 14 in the old town of Marbella soon you' ll find ´frescaPassione`.

Well...there are loads of things to do!


But we are full of enthusiasm :-)