Sunday, May 24, 2009

10/5 opening up!

Finally, the opening day has come!



We decided to offer ice-cream for free to pass-byers as a form to promote our freshly made product

We got good appreciation from locals and tourists

Now we can say it for sure: ice-cream making is definitely tough but rewarding job!


'fresca passione' is a reality now!

hope to see you soon :-)


7-9/5: learning and correcting mistakes :-)

We spent a few days organizing things, reviewing recipes and preparing ice-cream flavors.

Giorgia and Alice were always there to help and provide advices before we even had time to realize we needed one!


Thanks again Giorgia and Alice, we really appreciated your help!


6/5 all is set up!

Today we're very happy as Eugenio and Sergio managed to assemble the furnitures and ice cream display counter in record time
They actually drove all the way from Bergamo (Italy) to here in 27 hours on a truck, something that we bet was never achieved before (it's about 2100km distance)

On the same day we also received Giorgia and Alice Cianuri, Gianpaolo Cianuri's daughters, one of Andrea's favourite ice-cream masters.


They run jointly the best ice cream shop in Perugia, Italy (il gelato di Mastro Cianuri)

It's hard to say it in words how much grateful we are :-)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

april 29th: floor polishing

Far from losing the spirit in spite of difficulties,
we spent the day with some physical work
The machine in the picture is incredibly hard to handle, but got our vending area's marble floor shiny.

28th: Our fresca passione sign :-)

we finally got our sign...
we choose a RED background to make it more visible. Nice isn't it?

April 27th: a bad surprise from the bank

Today we were supposed to sign an already approved leasing that was going to cover the ice-cream counter and bar furniture

Unfortunately, due to Bank's policy sudden change, we were told leasing was not anymore granted unless we agreed to locked-up deposit 75% of the amount as a guarantee.
So in summary, we were going to pay interest for 100% of capital while only getting 25%
Far more than we would pay for getting 25% at normal loan rates!

We had to stop the Italian supplier who was already loading the truck and delay the shipment

After considering all options,we decided not to go ahead with the leasing and simply count on our resources and different types of loans
Pity the trick implied money loss and a week delay in opening

April 25th: The first ice creams

Today we had the pleasure to receive Walter and Angela Seri, Cattabriga's suppliers for Spain

We really appreciated the BIG help we received from them:
  • from window cleaning
  • to machine cleaning
  • and ice cream making of course

    Walter even went as far as buying the cleaning tools and powders, while Angelina was minding Elena when she was not cleaning up floors, tools, etcetera.

    Many thanks To both of them

    it was quite some achievement to produce the first ice cream flavor with our own machine :-)

    Immagine 154.jpg
  • april 23rd: receiving the ice cream machines

    Today we received the ice cream machines.
    They looked bigger than they appeared in the ice cream fair back in November!
    the big one.JPG

    Surely, they were very heavy but, thanks to the help of electricians,
    truck driver and plumbers
    , we got them into the production lab no problem :-)