Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gaudio Magno habemus logo

We now have a logo for frescapassione!

here it is:

frescapassione logo.jpg
Nice, isn't?

Some virtual views of the vending area

Below you can get an idea of how frescapassione's shop will look like in a few weeks
Picture below display a front view:

pubblico fronte.jpg

next picture display a 'bird eye' view:

pubblico alto.jpg

So how does it look like? Should we chose a shade or red instead of white for the ice cream display counters?
Opinions are welcome :-)!

The shop layout

As promised, below you can see the layout of the shop we rent.

It sports a public area of about 21 square meter, a production lab is about 18 square meters and a warehouse of 14,5 square meters


It is located in very nice area:

  • 200mt away from see promenade
  • in a roudabout connecting any crowded streets
  • In a nice restaurants and bars area
  • Close to Parco de la CostituciĆ³n, Marbella's main public park
  • Few meter away from public parking
  • located in a corner, very visible from any angle
  • Sunday, March 15, 2009

    One step ahead

    On March the 11th we finally applied for the building permission. In 15 working days we'll be able to star the refurbishment of the shop.

    The next day we applied for the shop license as well, and reserved a couple of very fancy ice cream display counters


    Looks like it's about time we display the new layout for the shop, thing that'll do in the next post.