Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why using actual eggs in ice cream?

... perhaps for the pleasure of achieving such a good looking meringue from its albumen :-)?


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

30/05 Rachel, Owen and friends :-)

Today our Irish friends made us a very nice surprise: they came to visit us while Andrea was squeezing organic oranges (small and with loads of seeds, but so tasty)


Rachel Owen and friend had the chance to sample lemon sorbet just out of the ice cream machine.

Then, they also got an ice cream from Cristiana and shot these beautiful photos.


Thanks for coming Rachel and Owen, we really appreciated your surprise visit :-)


Sunday, May 24, 2009

10/5 opening up!

Finally, the opening day has come!



We decided to offer ice-cream for free to pass-byers as a form to promote our freshly made product

We got good appreciation from locals and tourists

Now we can say it for sure: ice-cream making is definitely tough but rewarding job!


'fresca passione' is a reality now!

hope to see you soon :-)


7-9/5: learning and correcting mistakes :-)

We spent a few days organizing things, reviewing recipes and preparing ice-cream flavors.

Giorgia and Alice were always there to help and provide advices before we even had time to realize we needed one!


Thanks again Giorgia and Alice, we really appreciated your help!


6/5 all is set up!

Today we're very happy as Eugenio and Sergio managed to assemble the furnitures and ice cream display counter in record time
They actually drove all the way from Bergamo (Italy) to here in 27 hours on a truck, something that we bet was never achieved before (it's about 2100km distance)

On the same day we also received Giorgia and Alice Cianuri, Gianpaolo Cianuri's daughters, one of Andrea's favourite ice-cream masters.


They run jointly the best ice cream shop in Perugia, Italy (il gelato di Mastro Cianuri)

It's hard to say it in words how much grateful we are :-)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

april 29th: floor polishing

Far from losing the spirit in spite of difficulties,
we spent the day with some physical work
The machine in the picture is incredibly hard to handle, but got our vending area's marble floor shiny.

28th: Our fresca passione sign :-)

we finally got our sign...
we choose a RED background to make it more visible. Nice isn't it?